PCB X-ray CT Ground Truth Dataset

PCB X-ray CT Ground Truth

Description The "PCB X-ray CT Ground Truth Dataset" in the document is a unique and valuable resource for the development and testing of automated inspection systems for printed circuit boards (PCBs). It provides comprehensive ground truth data for PCBs, enabling researchers and developers to validate and improve their image processing and machine learning algorithms for PCB inspection. This dataset is especially useful for advancing the capabilities of automated X-ray inspection systems, ensuring more accurate and reliable detection of defects and inconsistencies in PCBs. It includes Tiff files of manually segmented PCB copper layers and other elements, and CSV files with semantically labeled vertices of these features. The dataset supports the development and testing of algorithms for segmenting X-ray raw data to extract PCB netlists.
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Text Format BibTeX
D. Mehta, J. True, O. P. Dizon-Paradis, N. Jessurun, D. L. Woodard, N. Asadizanjani, and M. Tehranipoor, β€œFICS PCB X-ray: A dataset for automated printed circuit board inter-layers inspection,” Cryptology ePrint Archive, 01-Jan-1970. [Online]. Available: https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/924. [Accessed: 05-Jan-2024] @misc{cryptoeprint:2022/924, author = {Dhwani Mehta and John True and Olivia P. Dizon-Paradis and Nathan Jessurun and Damon L. Woodard and Navid Asadizanjani and Mark Tehranipoor}, title = {FICS PCB X-ray: A dataset for automated printed circuit board inter-layers inspection}, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/924}, year = {2022}, note = {\url{https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/924}}, url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/924} }